This post at Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way alerted me to the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange, an ongoing experiment began by Dosh Dosh.
Based on the original concept, this is how it goes:
1. You click to make me one of your Technorati Favorites. I'll make it easy for you by putting this button here:

2. You have to leave a comment on this post so I can return the favor. Tell me your Technorati username so I can find you among those who will Favorite me from this post. (There will be droves, I hope! :-D )
3. This is very important: Include in your comment a link to your site (one site only) and, to keep things easy, the Technorati Fave button linked to your site. Also, please let me know if you only want me to fave you, or if you also have the Link List in your blog so I can add you to the list, too.
- Go to Technorati Tools. Click on Favorite Buttons.
- If you have several sites, make sure the one you have chosen to place here is the one in the "Make a custom button for" box.
- Copy the first code and paste in with your comment.
- I will click on that button later to add you to my Favorites.
- My Technorati username is tessasandiego. It will appear in the list of those who have made you their Favorite at your Technorati account.
- If this does not happen after 24 hours, leave me a new comment.
If all you want is one exchange, you're done.
If you want more exchanges, though, possibly enough to put you high up there in the Technorati Most Favorited blogs, you can do as I am doing and hold the same Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange in your blog.
1. Make a new post on this.
2. Give the same instructions, but in your own words.
DO NOT COPY AND PASTE from my post or any of the previous Exchange posts. Duplicate posts will hurt all of our standings, including yours.
3. Include a link to this post, mentioning that you learned about the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange here and that it is still ongoing.
When I see this link through Technorati, I will add you to the list of Exchange hosts below. (If this does not happen within 48 hours, please leave me a reminder via a comment.)
4. Put a linked list of Exchange Hosts in your post, as below. This time, you may copy and paste the list from here. I've already added my link at the bottom. Add yours to your list, too.
If you just want an exchange of links without having to host the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange, that's fine with me, too. You can either mention this post in your post, with a link to it, or you can add my site to your links list. Just let me know and give me your link so I can reciprocate.
Here are the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange Hosts:
Dosh Dosh - kawaiikuma
AskaX World - Andika Kusuma
T - T Jantunen - Calvin Warr
Vinod Live! - Vinod Ponmanadiyil
Bil2me dot com - William Toomey
Zath - Simon Barker
VersaCreations - Vivienne Quek - Gary V. Vaughan - Gary Lee
Blogging for Money - Michael A. Setyaputra
Money Consciousness - Nenad
Brown Thoughts - Brown Baron
Quasi Fictional - Diogenes
Foreign Perspectives - Arnold
Home Based Business - Brian Pratt
The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under - Rob St George
Sexy in Red - Norlina
JameoTips - ValkrieAngel
I Thought, Therefore I Blog - Bet Shop Boy
My Online Collections - Star500
Ramblings of an Undisturbed Mind - Beth
Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way - ejcooksey
Manila Mom - tessasandiego
Gauravonomics - Gaurav Mishra
Digital Mail - atul
Rishi Raj - rishimac
Keeping Fit Is A Daily Battle - Nash Trout
Serendipity - Sharique
PinoyBlogosphere - pinoyblogosphere
Life in the Fast Lane - Deborah
Our Journey - sy
Localingo - tanguy
Middle Zone Musings - Robert Hruzek
India PR Blog - hobbithob
My Journey to One Million Dollars -Laura
Sleeping Princess - Jocelyn
The Filipino Entrepreneur - mmontala
Nukilan Jejari Azhad - azhad
Earn Money On The Web - Kent - Jason
Making Money Through Internet - MarriedMelody
Blogs et IE - T@blogosphere
IT Experts Central - Marcus - uncleboob
The Rojak Blog - ApOgEE
The Anitokid Chronikos - Billiards and Philippine sports
Technix Update — Tech News,Web 2.0,Orkut Tricks,Vista Tricks,Internet Tricks.
Light Within
Niche Marketing - Andy Beard
My Affiliate Journey - Affiliate Marketing Blog by Vlad
Mr & Mrs. Imran
Me and my net
Klamath Design: Starting A Home Based Web Design Business — Helping Web Designers Succeed In Business irresistible technology
Shankar's Tech Blog 2.0
Anti-Spyware and PC Security News
Our Journey
Travel Blog for Business
Ms. Latina's Site - Ms. Latina's Site
ReviewSaurus - The Techie Dino! The Dino which deals in all kind of technical related stuff.
Share Everything In Life
BlogoSquare — Fun 2.0 news & tips
Ms. Latina Renee Enterprise, LLC
Show Me The Money
Shakeroo's Gold - BlogCharm
Mom of Many Redheads
Because I Was Bored… - Blog
The Blog for DesignCreatology
IT Experts Central - Free Computer Programming Tutorials
Blogs et Intelligence économique
Earn Money on the Web
Making Money Through Internet
The Legal Two-timer
Mother's Home!
Sophistishe.Org Just a Personal Blog
Travelogue of a Blogger
Search Useful Articles
The Voice In My Head
My Life Is Murphy's Law - Ev Nucci
Visit them and get Favorited!
You could also get the following automatic favoriting program that faves back all those who have faved you. I got it from One Wacky Mom's post.
grab the program here [2.4MB]
Hi and thanks for visiting in my blog. Added your site to my faves also. Thanks!
Thanks, too. Hope we can exchange links, as well :-)
We can do link exchange also. I just added your blog link to my link page
Hello Missy! :)
I added you to my faves but I'm not so sure I understand how this works. LOL!
Thanks, T Jantunen! Your link will permanently be in the list at my Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange page which I will announce with a sticky on my front page.
trinitydivine, I've added you to my faves, too! for more fave exchanges, you can do the same with each blogger on the list,leaving a comment to alert them to fave you, too.
Added with pleasure.
Thanks, diogenes! Your interactive blog is very interesting. I hope I can find the time to send a post.
Hi Maia
Fav'ed you back. my Id: bwp58
Will also add a link to to you in my link exchange
in a couple of minutes. Check the "latest links" tab.
Thanks again
Thank you, Brian! There's a lot to learn from your blog as well.
added u a my fav..
my link is..
Added you, too, vijeesh. Please let me know if you link to the page so I can reciprocate. Thanks!
Sounds a good idea!
hi maia,
wow, so glad to have read some of ur novels! i hope to write novels someday. wishful thinking :)
faved u at technorati. my username is technorati. i'd link u to my blogroll at
have a nice day!
I've added you to my faves, too, Dessy. I also linked to you, but at my Cafe Romanza blog. I thought you might want to be with fellow romance readers and writers :-) Don't give up on romance writing. In my experience, wishful thinking can very well lead to happy endings!
Hey there, I have added your site!
Thanks, Garry! Added you, too.
hi maia, i've added u! hope we can exchange.. my ID is sweetpeamy
hi, i added your blog to my favorite on technorati
username - pasat
You should add yourself to the list on this page as others will be copying it in due course which in turn gets you links.
Just about to pinch your updated list to update my original post... have faved you already and will add you on to my new post.
Just done that fave thing for your blog, Maria. Good luck!
You've all been added to my faves list sweetpea, grzegorz, arnold and markk.
Arnold, that's something I missed. I'll go and add myself to the list asap.
Thanks so much everyone! :-)
I have added you to my Technorati Favorites!
Click on this link to favorite my site:
Add Kyles Cove to Your Technorati Favorites
Faved your site, Kyle! Thanks!
Thanks for adding me.
If anyone else wants to add me follow this link:
then visit my website for another list of people who will exchange with you too!
I did, iszo! Thanks!
Faved... Thanks!
Userid: ddang
Click Here and Add me to your Technorati Favorites List
Clicked and faved you, too, Danny! Thanks!
I have added you to my Technorati Favorites.
Please add me to your Technorati Favorites and consider linking to my own (very generous) version of the Technorati Favorites Exchange.
- Gaurav
Did both, Gaurav! Thank you!
Done and you can fav me too, thanks
I have added you to technoratri fav list here is my link
I have also mentioned your link in my technorati post here and hope that you will link to my post also . ttp://
I did as you both requested, Robin and Atul. Sorry for the delay in processing your comments. I couldn't get into the Blogger dashboard for the past several hours. Thanks so much.
Fav'd's mine...
Please tag with "online income"
Hi, I just added you to my technorati favorites, I've also been hosting a link exchange. My blog is Christy's Coffee Break, my username ChristyCoffee.
Thank you! Have a great night!
Done, Brendan. Thanks!
Christy, I've faved you, too. I also visited your page. Perhaps you'd like to add the list of hosts that's on my page? It's required to be added to the list. Thanks.
Hi! I’ve added you in my Technorati favourates list. Now plz you do so Add to Technorati Favorites .
My Technorati username - RISHIMAC
I’ve also written a post on it at HERE. and have mentioned your name and blog URL there.
You've been faved and added to the list, too, Rishi. Thanks!
Hi Manila Mom, I'm participating too! I have added your blog to my favorites. You can favorite my blog in Technorati too. I had linked from my blog as well.
Thanks! :D
Faved and added you to the list, too, Nash. Thanks!
Hello There,
I have faved you in my technorati.
MY ID : iszo
I'm also offering Technorati favourites exchange and interested to become part of it. Could you put my link to your list?
Thanks in advance!
Hi iszo! You're already in my technorati faves. Mind adding me to the link list in your exchange page first then let me know so I can add you as a link here, too? Thanks!
hi, i had added ur blog as my technorati favorites pleas add mine
my url is
Done, Santa. Thanks!
Great idea - thanks.
Added you both,Michelle and Dawud. Thanks!
I have added you to my technorati favourite. You can do so my clicking here.
I will also add your URL to my post. I would appreciate if you reciprocate :)
Please consider subscribing to RSS feeds if you like my blog.
Did both, Sharique. Thanks!
I'm Filipino too! Living in Canada though.
I've added you to my Technorati Favorites!
Check out my personal and tech blog or just add me to your Technorati favorites :)
I've added you to my faves, 2 perfect! I've also checked out your blog. I love your dog, Iggy!
You might also want to check out the new Canada-based I am starting a new blog there, too: Manila Mom's Veranda. See you!
na-fave ko na rin 'tong blog na to ;) pa-fave din. thanks!
Okay, fave na rin kita :-)
fave na at pasali din sa list ng mga hosts :D
eto yung post ko re: this experiment:
i just added you to my favorites -
please do the same for me:
my username: uncleboob
Thanks in advance
PinoyBlogosphere has been faved and added to the list :-) Salamat po!
Hi uncleboob! Your link is connected to a no-show blogger i.d. I have no way of knowing your url to fave. Your username shows several urls at technorati and I don't know which one to fave. Please leave a url here. Thanks!
i just made you my first favorite.
cheers :-)
I'm honored, djag! Thank you! Faved you, too. :-)
You, too, Alan. Thanks! :-)
You've been faved and added to the list, Deborah. Thanks!
I've faved you, fave my blog too :)
This is my link:
Sy, you've been faved and added to the list.
BBTan, you've been faved, too.
Thanks to both of you! :-)
Manila Mom!!
I've just added you to my favorites..
Here is my link..
For those who want to exchange with me, just go to the following post on my blog..
Faved you, too, Nicholas. Thanks!
I did, Chino. Thanks!
hi there,
faved u back, & put a link back to this post - I can't see your link on my technorati rating yet though...
Hi Tanguy, I double-checked and you're already one of my favorites. I knew I already faved you. My technorati name is tessasandiego. You might have been looking for maia jose or manila mom.
hi. i have added you to my technorati favorites. hope you can do the same with pinoy seminars with the link below. thanks.
I did, Gibo. Thanks!
Tanguy, I just saw in your blog that you faved my Cafe Romanza blog, as well. If you have a second blog I can fave,pleaselet meknow.In the meantime, I will be adding you to my links there. Thanks so much!
I just add you to my favorites: Pls add mine too :
My site is ready for technorati link exchange too. Follow this link:
Hi mmontala! I've faved you :)
To qualify to be added as a link to the list, though, please copy and paste the list itself to your Exchange post. Let me know once you've done this so I can add your name here, too. Then go visit each link on the list and let them know that they are on your list so they can add your blog to their list, too. You'll get a lot of links this way.
I thought I'd make everyone's life a little bit easier:
Here is a program that will automatically favorite back everyone who has favorited you
This is really great! How do I put it up here, though, after downloading?
Thanks so much for sharing!
You have been faved. Please fave me back.
Done, Shaxx. Thanks!
Faved and added your blog link to the list, Hobbithob. Thanks!
Hi, I've faved you!
Please fave me too @ Add to Technorati Favorites
My link exchange url is here
Drop me a message when you fave me, so that I can put up your links too, ok?
Faved and added you to the list, Jocelyn.
In case you haven't noticed,Manila Mom is already in your list :)
Hi! Thanks so much for the great info. You are now one of my faves :o) My blog is here and if you are interested in link exchanges, I have and available for exchanges as well!
Oh yeah, my Technorati name is AmyMc :o)
I'm from Nukilan Jejari Azhad have added your blog to my technorati favorites. My technorati username is azhad. You can add my blog to your favorites by clicking Add Nukilan Jejari Azhad To Your Technorati Favorites.
I run a similar Technorati Favorites exchange program on my blog. I've included a link to your post (no.54) and the list of blogs that are running Technorati Favorites exchange programs in my post.
Thank you.
Hi momofmany! I faved all three sites you mentioned. Perhaps you can fave back my and .
By the way, your kids look adorable!
Hi, I've faved you!
Here's mine: Add to Technorati Favorites.
Username: squarecookies
Added your link here.
Thanks :)
I just add you to my favorites. Pls add mine too : Add to Technorati Favorites I can't see you name in my technorati fans.
And also added you to my technorati favs exchange links. Pls add me too. Follow this
Hi mmontala! Technorati says you are already among my faves. My technorati i.d. is tessasandiego.
I have also added your link to the list.
Hi SquareCookies! I've faved you and added you to the list. Thanks!
Technorati says that I have already faved you, Azhad.I also added your link to the list. Thanks!
You are added my Friend !
My user name is ironmanxart.
Thank you !
I have an exchange too !
Hi Cosmicsurfer! I faved your blog.
To be added to the list, you have to publish the whole link list in your post, too. I couldn't find it there. Let me know when you have it pasted so I can include you in the list here, too.
ooops here is the easy link to fave me.
Thanks again!
All done, Kent. Thank you.
Jason, I tried your link but it resulted in a "Wordpress error." I went to your site then, copied your url and pasted it in my favorites at Technorati. Still, it resulted in the same error. I don't know what the problem is but if you could help me out I would very gladly add you again to my list of favorites. Thanks!
That's strange that you received an error... Perhaps it was just a matter of unlucky timing. If you could try again I'd appreciate it.
Here is the link again:
P.S. Thanks for the fave!
I've just added your blog to Technorati Favs.
my technorati link:
Here is my Blog to this regards:
Hey Manila Mom - weeks after my first post i understand that you need the url to my fav to add my directly!
Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange with
your uncleboob
I added you to my faves. Please add
Finally got it, Jason. You've been both faved and added to the list. Thanks! :)
You've been faved and added to the list, too, MarriedMelody. Thanks!
T@blogosphere, you've been faved and added to the list. Too bad I can't read French! Thanks,though! :)
I've already faved you before, technorati username is tessasandiego.
if you want the added bonus of links on top of being faved, I suggest you copy and paste the link list on my post to your post. Then let each one of us on the list know so we can each add you as a link to our list, too. Imagine how many links you can get that way. :)
Faved you, too, Marcus! Would you like to be added as a link in my post, as well? Just add me to the links in your post and let me know so I can add you here,too. Thanks! :)
I added your site to my favorties. Please add
I added your link in
Please include a link of my blog
You've been faved and added to the post, Marcus. Thanks!
Hey there,
i just added you to my technorati favs.
I would so like it, if you find the time to add me to your favs too:
My username is: uncleboob
and the fav-url:
I also started a technorati fav exchange. It would be so nice if you add me to your list:
Best regards
You've been faved and added, uncleboob. Thanks!
My Technorati username:
My blog:
Add to Technorati Favorites
You've been added, AppleiPhone. Thanks!
I've added you to my Technorati favorites, too.
My UID: Bloggeroo
I added you to my favorites technorati, here is mine Add to Technorati Favorites, my id is newopps...
Done, Bloggeroo and Newopps. Thanks!
Hi! I faved you (I am sidewinder on
(you link
Add my: Panopticum
You've been faved and added, Michael. Thanks!
i have faved you. :)
my technorati user name is 1biz
I have another thing to tell you.
Can we make normal link exchange ?
My blog is about home based business and affiliate programs articles. is the url and name Home Based Business
Please email me at webmaster[at]
Faved you, Affiliate Programs User. I also added you to my Great Links page. Just click on the link in the sidebar to see the list.
Hi, i've fave this blog of yours here and my technorati username is reddelish89.
Here's my site have a Link List there.
My technorati fave button is at my sidebar. I hope that I will be accepted.
Hi Miz Erisha! I've faved you, too!
I couldn't find your Technorati Faves List, though. I suggest you put a prominent link to it on your sidebar. Do drop me the link, so I can visit. Then I can add you to the list here, too.
Faved you,Jaime. Thanks!
Hi there! I've already faved you.
My Technorati id: Augel
My Technorati Fave link -> Click HERE!
Faved and added you, Augel. Thanks!
Hi. I've just added you to my Faves. Fave me back, please.
Add To Technorati faves
Done, Apple. Thanks!
Hi manila mom,
I will try this one. I posted in your manilamomsveranda that I need to increase my technorati standing for my new blog site , it's still " 0 "right now, I just started yesterday and I hope, this will work, cross fingers....
sandyf of
Faved you, too, Pooj. Thanks!
Hi Sandy! I added in both the Technorati Favorites List and ViralTags. I hope these bring you lots of links! :D
Thanks :)
I just added you to my technorati favorites and will look for your technorati link exchange with me my username is - lilyruth and my blog is and I invite everyone to also exchange technorati links with me just visit my blog and also just leave comment and click on mine and I will add yours as well. Thank you
I have faved you, Lilyruth. Thanks.
Faved and added you to the list, Melody. Thanks!
Done, Alex. Thanks!
Manila Mom,
So goooooooood to see you my friend! I don't know if you saw the download program available on my post...but you might want to place it here on your post!
I adore you Manila Mom...thank you so much for adding me! You are a sweetheart!
Great program, Wacky Mom. I just added it in. Thanks so much!
Done, Brandon. Thanks!
I faved your blog please fav mine.
Id: ruthsh
Thanks Ruth
Faved you username: sanjoyz. thanks for the link, more link exchange, including Manila Mom added to
Thank you,
Skin Care Recipes
I read that you're a dog-owner. You might be interested in a site called Uniteddogs, which is pretty popular in the Philippines lately :) It's a really humble community of dogs and dog-lovers that we've been running and developing since June 2007. Combined with Unitedcats, there are over 20,000 people joined and active daily.
I have added you to faves!
added, mine:
Ps: my blog:
Anyone wanna do link exchange pls email me at: webmaster[at]
Thanks, technrati fav or other exchanges are welcome as well, just do and send me email, thanks and good luck!
Hi, I've faved you!
Here's my link ^^
username : elezend
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