Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Clarifications on Maximizing the DoFollow Movement
Another day, another lesson learned.
I have just been gloating at how I have been maximizing the DoFollow movement by traipsing along the trail of DoFollow blogs, reading and commenting merrily along. I was under the impression that merely leaving comments relevant to the post I had just read on a DoFollow blog would result in a link back to my page. Apparently, it ain't necessarily so. (If I am again mistaken here, I would love to be enlightened some more.)
According to Andy Beard, from whose blog I learned how to remove nofollow from my blogger template, one should instead choose to comment on posts tackling a topic that you have also written on in your own blog. Your comment, while being relevant to the post, should also be linked not just to your blog in general but to your specific post on the topic. Links should always lead to related content and should also be "wrapped" in related and meaningful content.
I take this to mean, for example, that when I go to a DoFollow blog I better search for a post that talks about something I myself had already written about. The simplest way would be to find a post on DoFollow. After reading the post, I could then make a meaningful comment and leave a link within it - choosing relevant anchor text - leading back to my specific post on the topic. I hope I got it right this time.
Of course, I am not limited to DoFollow posts. I can find other posts on topics that I have also tackled.
Perhaps reading other blogs will also give me an idea of topics I would want to write on, giving my own opinions and angles. I could link to the blog that inspired me and return there to leave a comment linked to my new post.
So now I have a new way of doing things here.
What I have been doing hasn't been a total waste, though. As of this moment, this blog has been favorited by 107 members at Technorati and has 148 links from 89 blogs, upping its Technorati rank to 47,671. And I just saw that I have a Google page rank of 2/10. Not bad for less than two weeks' participation in the Favorites Exchange and a little more than a week in DoFollow, and for a blog that's just little more than a month old.
Things will improve even more as I implement what I have just learned, I hope.
And the more I surf and read, the more I learn. Part of my processing is expressing all those lessons learned here, both to share with my readers and to solicit advice in case I got things wrong again. I very much appreciate constructive straightening out.
Engtech very kindly dropped by here and left a comment with a wonderful gift attached - a free software to automatically fave back everyone who faved you at Technorati. Clueless me had to go ask him how to use the software after I download it. He again kindly gave me instructions. Now I have it up and running. Hurray!!! This will save us a lot of time, folks. Just remember to run the program often, he says, because it may miss a few links on first pass but will definitely get all of them with succeeding passes.
Angels abound on the blogosphere and there are more to meet out there...
Related Posts:
Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
I Joined The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
The Favorite Link Exchange List - My Addendum To The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: Favorites Exchange, Link Exchange, e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
I have just been gloating at how I have been maximizing the DoFollow movement by traipsing along the trail of DoFollow blogs, reading and commenting merrily along. I was under the impression that merely leaving comments relevant to the post I had just read on a DoFollow blog would result in a link back to my page. Apparently, it ain't necessarily so. (If I am again mistaken here, I would love to be enlightened some more.)
According to Andy Beard, from whose blog I learned how to remove nofollow from my blogger template, one should instead choose to comment on posts tackling a topic that you have also written on in your own blog. Your comment, while being relevant to the post, should also be linked not just to your blog in general but to your specific post on the topic. Links should always lead to related content and should also be "wrapped" in related and meaningful content.
I take this to mean, for example, that when I go to a DoFollow blog I better search for a post that talks about something I myself had already written about. The simplest way would be to find a post on DoFollow. After reading the post, I could then make a meaningful comment and leave a link within it - choosing relevant anchor text - leading back to my specific post on the topic. I hope I got it right this time.
Of course, I am not limited to DoFollow posts. I can find other posts on topics that I have also tackled.
Perhaps reading other blogs will also give me an idea of topics I would want to write on, giving my own opinions and angles. I could link to the blog that inspired me and return there to leave a comment linked to my new post.
So now I have a new way of doing things here.
What I have been doing hasn't been a total waste, though. As of this moment, this blog has been favorited by 107 members at Technorati and has 148 links from 89 blogs, upping its Technorati rank to 47,671. And I just saw that I have a Google page rank of 2/10. Not bad for less than two weeks' participation in the Favorites Exchange and a little more than a week in DoFollow, and for a blog that's just little more than a month old.
Things will improve even more as I implement what I have just learned, I hope.
And the more I surf and read, the more I learn. Part of my processing is expressing all those lessons learned here, both to share with my readers and to solicit advice in case I got things wrong again. I very much appreciate constructive straightening out.
Engtech very kindly dropped by here and left a comment with a wonderful gift attached - a free software to automatically fave back everyone who faved you at Technorati. Clueless me had to go ask him how to use the software after I download it. He again kindly gave me instructions. Now I have it up and running. Hurray!!! This will save us a lot of time, folks. Just remember to run the program often, he says, because it may miss a few links on first pass but will definitely get all of them with succeeding passes.
Angels abound on the blogosphere and there are more to meet out there...
Related Posts:
Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
I Joined The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
The Favorite Link Exchange List - My Addendum To The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: Favorites Exchange, Link Exchange, e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
Friday, April 27, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: The Favorite Link Exchange List - My Addendum to The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange
The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange began by DoshDosh and which I'm also hosting here continues to be a great success for this blog. In fact, as of the time of this writing, I have been favorited by 101 members at Technorati.
I also have 131 links from 78 blogs. Although I believe most of those links are from my DoFollow activities, I also see a significant number of links from The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange.
Having seven blogs poses a problem for me, though. I only have one Technorati account and can, therefore, only fairly exchange once with those who own only one blog. My other blogs are beginning to feel lonely. (If you have more than one blog, please let me know so we can do the corresponding exchange - if you're game, that is.)
To accommodate my other blogs, I put up my Favorite Link Exchange List at Cafe Romanza.
So how does it work?
1. First, you have to join The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange here. (Follow the instructions in the post, including leaving a comment so I can fave you back.)
2. Go to the Favorite Link Exchange post at Cafe Romanza. Fave that blog, too, and leave a comment there that you've faved both Manila Mom and Cafe Romanza. I will add your blog as a permanent link on the Favorite Link Exchange List.
3. I have put a sticky announcement on the front page linked to the Favorite Link Exchange List so others can come see you on the list. They'll know you're open to a fave exchange and will most probably visit your blog to do so.
Nice exchange, don't you think?
If you feel like it, I will also appreciate very much if you link to Cafe Romanza in your blog. It's not a requirement, though.
It seems like the more I do here, the more there is to be done. The more I learn, the more there is to learn. I'm not complaining, though. I feel even more alive than ever! :-D
Related Posts:
I Joined The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: Favorites Exchange, Link Exchange, e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
I also have 131 links from 78 blogs. Although I believe most of those links are from my DoFollow activities, I also see a significant number of links from The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange.
Having seven blogs poses a problem for me, though. I only have one Technorati account and can, therefore, only fairly exchange once with those who own only one blog. My other blogs are beginning to feel lonely. (If you have more than one blog, please let me know so we can do the corresponding exchange - if you're game, that is.)
To accommodate my other blogs, I put up my Favorite Link Exchange List at Cafe Romanza.
So how does it work?
1. First, you have to join The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange here. (Follow the instructions in the post, including leaving a comment so I can fave you back.)
2. Go to the Favorite Link Exchange post at Cafe Romanza. Fave that blog, too, and leave a comment there that you've faved both Manila Mom and Cafe Romanza. I will add your blog as a permanent link on the Favorite Link Exchange List.
3. I have put a sticky announcement on the front page linked to the Favorite Link Exchange List so others can come see you on the list. They'll know you're open to a fave exchange and will most probably visit your blog to do so.
Nice exchange, don't you think?
If you feel like it, I will also appreciate very much if you link to Cafe Romanza in your blog. It's not a requirement, though.
It seems like the more I do here, the more there is to be done. The more I learn, the more there is to learn. I'm not complaining, though. I feel even more alive than ever! :-D
Related Posts:
I Joined The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: Favorites Exchange, Link Exchange, e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: How to Grow at a Faster Pace
These past days have flown by at a dizzying rate for me. The first entry on this blog was last March 22. In about a week's time after that, I had put up five other blogs on different topics, all documented here, too.
Now, after only a month, this Manila Mom blog has pulled away from the other five in Technorati. How? Two very potent tools: The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange and The DoFollow List!
I only posted the Favorites Exchange last April 15, and the DoFollow List last April 21. As of today, Manila Mom has been favorited by 86 members and has 118 links from 70 blogs. Its Technorati rank is 60,696. And every time I check, even within the same day, the numbers are changing.
Of course, all this is happening with work on my part, too. My comments are moderated so I check my email several times a day to process them. I do the favorites exchange and add links to the list. I also surf the dofollow sites and sites on my favorites list to read and comment. Well, this last part doesn't really feel like work because I enjoy doing it. I discover new blogs and learn a lot along the way. And I'm creating new links to my blog as I do it.
My days - and nights - have been busy. My friends based in the US and Canada are surprised to find me still online at 3 or 4 a.m. Manila time.
And I still dared to put up another blog just a few days ago - Manila Mom's Veranda at
Well, it was an offer I couldn't refuse. is a very new baby of a fellow Filipina who shares the same contagious enthusiasm for exploring all that the internet can offer. I can already see the powerful potential of the network and am honored to be with her from this building up stage.
So that's where I'm at now, folks. All of these have been accomplished with the help of fellow bloggers and other friends, so I'm sharing it all with everyone, too.
Now to my life offline...yes, I still do have one! :-D
Related Posts:
I Joined The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
Now, after only a month, this Manila Mom blog has pulled away from the other five in Technorati. How? Two very potent tools: The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange and The DoFollow List!
I only posted the Favorites Exchange last April 15, and the DoFollow List last April 21. As of today, Manila Mom has been favorited by 86 members and has 118 links from 70 blogs. Its Technorati rank is 60,696. And every time I check, even within the same day, the numbers are changing.
Of course, all this is happening with work on my part, too. My comments are moderated so I check my email several times a day to process them. I do the favorites exchange and add links to the list. I also surf the dofollow sites and sites on my favorites list to read and comment. Well, this last part doesn't really feel like work because I enjoy doing it. I discover new blogs and learn a lot along the way. And I'm creating new links to my blog as I do it.
My days - and nights - have been busy. My friends based in the US and Canada are surprised to find me still online at 3 or 4 a.m. Manila time.
And I still dared to put up another blog just a few days ago - Manila Mom's Veranda at
Well, it was an offer I couldn't refuse. is a very new baby of a fellow Filipina who shares the same contagious enthusiasm for exploring all that the internet can offer. I can already see the powerful potential of the network and am honored to be with her from this building up stage.
So that's where I'm at now, folks. All of these have been accomplished with the help of fellow bloggers and other friends, so I'm sharing it all with everyone, too.
Now to my life offline...yes, I still do have one! :-D
Related Posts:
I Joined The Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
Monday, April 23, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Great Bargains on Ladies' Designer Bags & Shoes
Ladies, let's go shopping!
I have just put up Manila Mom's Handpicked Bazaar Finds with items I personally chose as great bargains. I pored through literally thousands of ladies' designer bags and shoes on the net and came up with these beauties that are being sold at slashed down prices - as much as 50% off: Prada, Fendi, YSL, Kate Spade, and more.
You have to hurry, though. When I was choosing these items, the best ones were "one item remaining on stock" from the seller. So it's first come, first served. I hope you be the lucky one to score the designer bag or shoe of your choice.
I also have some ladies shoes there that are not at "sale prices." It's because I, myself, am wanting those new Cole Haan/Nike Air G Series collaborations - sexy high-heeled shoes and platforms with the built-in comfort of Nike air cushions! It's about time! Why not be among the first to enjoy them?
Very soon I will be adding other items to my store - great buys in gadgets and clothes and other objects of craving. Don't worry, I'll announce them here so you'll have first choice on the bargains I find.
Stay tuned!
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
I have just put up Manila Mom's Handpicked Bazaar Finds with items I personally chose as great bargains. I pored through literally thousands of ladies' designer bags and shoes on the net and came up with these beauties that are being sold at slashed down prices - as much as 50% off: Prada, Fendi, YSL, Kate Spade, and more.
You have to hurry, though. When I was choosing these items, the best ones were "one item remaining on stock" from the seller. So it's first come, first served. I hope you be the lucky one to score the designer bag or shoe of your choice.
I also have some ladies shoes there that are not at "sale prices." It's because I, myself, am wanting those new Cole Haan/Nike Air G Series collaborations - sexy high-heeled shoes and platforms with the built-in comfort of Nike air cushions! It's about time! Why not be among the first to enjoy them?
Very soon I will be adding other items to my store - great buys in gadgets and clothes and other objects of craving. Don't worry, I'll announce them here so you'll have first choice on the bargains I find.
Stay tuned!
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum

Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Reward Your Readers and Do Follow the DoFollow List
It’s raging through the blogosphere. The DoFollow Movement, that is. Marhgil tagged me for it. All 5 of my blogs, actually. And it isn’t even my birthday yet! :-)
DoFollow is the latest way to spread link love to your readers – those who deserve it because they have read your post and liked it enough to leave a relevant and meaningful comment. Their comments become links to their pages; links that are counted by Google spiders to improve their rank. Sweet huh?
So how do you do this?
I, myself, followed Andy Beard’s instructions on how to remove the NoFollow for comments from the html of my Blogspot template. He has instructions for Wordpress and other formats, as well. There are plug-ins you can search for, too.
Once your comments are DoFollow, you can have the DoFollow List on your site.
These are the instructions: (Start copying here.)
1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the list in the paragraph. This isn’t a suggestion. You need to break up the duplicate content. Someone took the time to add you so the least you can do is give them an extra link back.
2. Copy the list of originals below COMPLETELY and add it to your blog. If you would like a different keyword for your blog then change it when you do your post and it should pass to most blogs with that keyword.
3. Take the adds from the blog that added you and place them in the “Originals” list.
4. Add at least 1 new blog that you KNOW is using the DO FOLLOW plugin to the list in the “My Adds” section. (Add no more than 5!) Let the people you’ve added know, so that they can keep the list going!
My Adds:
Keep the Faith
Suncoast Scribe
Blogging Kenneth
My 2 Centavos Worth
Manila Mom
3 Dogs, 3 Pigs and A Family
Cafe Romanza
Earn Global
Credit Ability
Flee the Cube
Smart Wealthy Rich
Fellow Eskimo
Pajama Mommy
Meredith’s Weight Loss Blog
Pink Blog
Tricia’s Musings
Ugh!!’s Greymatter Honeypot
Midlife Musings
Utterly Geek
Whatever I Feel Like
My Dandelion Patch
Surviving NJ
Simple Kind Of Life
The Hockey Dad
Brown Baron
Unseal My Lips
Blog ng Taong Walang Magawa
MacBros’ Place - Everybody’s Entitled To My Opinion
MacBros` Reviews Reviews on Movies, Games, products, and services.
My Money Making Finds
My Tech News Blog
The Sassy Southerner
Up the Hill Gang
Vanidosa Marie
Bulong na Pasigaw
(Stop copying here.)
I will be leaving a sticky on my front page pointing to this list so that latecomers can still catch on.
If you happen to host the list somewhere down the line, or through a different branch of this chain, and want to be included in my list, just add me to your list then leave me a comment. Include a link to your list and after I check it out I’ll add you here, too.
If you can’t host this for any reason, you could visit the blogs listed here and comment on those you find interesting. Your comments will stand as links to your page so you’ll be doing yourself a favor, as well.
So get busy!
Related Post:
Clarifications on Maximizing the DoFollow Movement
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
DoFollow is the latest way to spread link love to your readers – those who deserve it because they have read your post and liked it enough to leave a relevant and meaningful comment. Their comments become links to their pages; links that are counted by Google spiders to improve their rank. Sweet huh?
So how do you do this?
I, myself, followed Andy Beard’s instructions on how to remove the NoFollow for comments from the html of my Blogspot template. He has instructions for Wordpress and other formats, as well. There are plug-ins you can search for, too.
Once your comments are DoFollow, you can have the DoFollow List on your site.
These are the instructions: (Start copying here.)
1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the list in the paragraph. This isn’t a suggestion. You need to break up the duplicate content. Someone took the time to add you so the least you can do is give them an extra link back.
2. Copy the list of originals below COMPLETELY and add it to your blog. If you would like a different keyword for your blog then change it when you do your post and it should pass to most blogs with that keyword.
3. Take the adds from the blog that added you and place them in the “Originals” list.
4. Add at least 1 new blog that you KNOW is using the DO FOLLOW plugin to the list in the “My Adds” section. (Add no more than 5!) Let the people you’ve added know, so that they can keep the list going!
My Adds:
Keep the Faith
Suncoast Scribe
Blogging Kenneth
My 2 Centavos Worth
Manila Mom
3 Dogs, 3 Pigs and A Family
Cafe Romanza
Earn Global
Credit Ability
Flee the Cube
Smart Wealthy Rich
Fellow Eskimo
Pajama Mommy
Meredith’s Weight Loss Blog
Pink Blog
Tricia’s Musings
Ugh!!’s Greymatter Honeypot
Midlife Musings
Utterly Geek
Whatever I Feel Like
My Dandelion Patch
Surviving NJ
Simple Kind Of Life
The Hockey Dad
Brown Baron
Unseal My Lips
Blog ng Taong Walang Magawa
MacBros’ Place - Everybody’s Entitled To My Opinion
MacBros` Reviews Reviews on Movies, Games, products, and services.
My Money Making Finds
My Tech News Blog
The Sassy Southerner
Up the Hill Gang
Vanidosa Marie
Bulong na Pasigaw
(Stop copying here.)
I will be leaving a sticky on my front page pointing to this list so that latecomers can still catch on.
If you happen to host the list somewhere down the line, or through a different branch of this chain, and want to be included in my list, just add me to your list then leave me a comment. Include a link to your list and after I check it out I’ll add you here, too.
If you can’t host this for any reason, you could visit the blogs listed here and comment on those you find interesting. Your comments will stand as links to your page so you’ll be doing yourself a favor, as well.
So get busy!
Related Post:
Clarifications on Maximizing the DoFollow Movement
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: So Why Do I Do This?
Gary Vaughan tagged me to answer the question “Why do I blog?” Before I could do so, the Virginia Tech tragedy happened. I just had to express my feelings on that shocking incident first.
I think the tragedy also distilled my thoughts on why I very recently decided to blog.
1. I blog because I am passionate about expressing my feelings in writing and this medium allows me to do so while reaching a global audience in a way that is – as I mentioned yesterday – person to person, mind to mind, heart to heart.
Blogging is a unique medium because it is both very personal and very public. In a way, it is like the romance novels I write – available widely to the public but touching each reader one heart at a time.
2. I blog because there is so much more I want to write about that could not fit into my romance novels and my freelance writing projects. I even had to put up several blogs to accommodate them.
3. I blog because I want to continue to learn and grow with the rest of the world up to my last breath, and the blogosphere gives me access to that learning and space for that growth.
4. I blog because my passion for writing is also my profession offline and when I learned that I could do the same online (although the returns are not that immediate) there was no reason left not to. I believe that if you feed your passion, your passion will feed you.
5. And I shall continue to blog because I have been meeting people who embody the best in humanity and I am eager to meet more. There may be unfortunate experiences but the balance is still tilted toward the good in people, and I trust that this will always be so.
I now tag:
1. Female-Gamer
2. Marghil
3. Markk
4. Manilenya
5. Eydyeyey
The rule is that you should use a list format and name 5 reasons why you blog. You then tag 5 others to do the same.
This meme is being tracked at SOLO SEO. You can go and add your name to the linked list as soon as your own post is up.
I’ll be eagerly awaiting your answers. :-)
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
I think the tragedy also distilled my thoughts on why I very recently decided to blog.
1. I blog because I am passionate about expressing my feelings in writing and this medium allows me to do so while reaching a global audience in a way that is – as I mentioned yesterday – person to person, mind to mind, heart to heart.
Blogging is a unique medium because it is both very personal and very public. In a way, it is like the romance novels I write – available widely to the public but touching each reader one heart at a time.
2. I blog because there is so much more I want to write about that could not fit into my romance novels and my freelance writing projects. I even had to put up several blogs to accommodate them.
3. I blog because I want to continue to learn and grow with the rest of the world up to my last breath, and the blogosphere gives me access to that learning and space for that growth.
4. I blog because my passion for writing is also my profession offline and when I learned that I could do the same online (although the returns are not that immediate) there was no reason left not to. I believe that if you feed your passion, your passion will feed you.
5. And I shall continue to blog because I have been meeting people who embody the best in humanity and I am eager to meet more. There may be unfortunate experiences but the balance is still tilted toward the good in people, and I trust that this will always be so.
I now tag:
1. Female-Gamer
2. Marghil
3. Markk
4. Manilenya
5. Eydyeyey
The rule is that you should use a list format and name 5 reasons why you blog. You then tag 5 others to do the same.
This meme is being tracked at SOLO SEO. You can go and add your name to the linked list as soon as your own post is up.
I’ll be eagerly awaiting your answers. :-)
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
In Support of the Bereaved at Virginia Tech
The tragedy at Virginia Tech leaves all of us stricken. Our hearts reach out to the families, loved ones and friends of the victims. We can only express our support for them and hope that this outpouring of sympathy could somehow help them through the unimaginable pain.
Initially, my reaction to the tragedy was to freeze. Not to blog. And then I realized, after offering my own prayers for all involved, that I did not want to remain silent. I needed to add my own words to the global condolences. It does not matter that I am a small voice that could very well be lost in the multitude. Knowing that I am putting out my words and my feelings to the blogosphere makes me feel more connected to those I wish to touch.
If only to be able to connect across the globe, person to person, mind to mind, heart to heart, blogging is a blessing in times like this.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Initially, my reaction to the tragedy was to freeze. Not to blog. And then I realized, after offering my own prayers for all involved, that I did not want to remain silent. I needed to add my own words to the global condolences. It does not matter that I am a small voice that could very well be lost in the multitude. Knowing that I am putting out my words and my feelings to the blogosphere makes me feel more connected to those I wish to touch.
If only to be able to connect across the globe, person to person, mind to mind, heart to heart, blogging is a blessing in times like this.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Don't Hate Me Just Because I Want To Make Money Online
I read some very strong words against making money from blogs and, frankly, I'm shocked at the hate that oozes from many of those bloggers - mostly from the comments. I could understand perfectly having differences in opinion - a natural part of any community - but does it have to be nasty?
I respect the stand of personal bloggers who want to keep their blogs purely personal and devoid of ads or any hint of commercialism. I hope they respect the right of others to monetize their blogs, as well. After all, it is their own time, their own efforts and their own writing skills that they are monetizing. Isn't that what entrepreneurship is?
I also bristle at the snide comments that earning from blogs is earning from doing nothing or from no effort at all. It's not as easy as it seems. The money doesn't just come rolling in. Try asking those who are already earning well from their blogs. As a newbie it's almost discouraging for me to see meager cents dropping in after maximum effort. It does not happen overnight. All that effort - giving time and writing your best - needs to be coupled with a lot of learning, networking plus more time. It's real work.
As Yuga said, bloggers are like publishers who are also the authors and editors of their own publications. For probloggers who author blogs owned by networks, it may mean only being the author and editor, or even just the author. It's still a very respectable job.
I don't think it's wrong to be paid to write. Isn't that what professional writers do? Isn't that what freelance writers do? It's called making a living. It's honest work.
There is even more hate thrown at paid posts. But aren't these required to be labeled as sponsored posts? If so, then they are not misleading the readers. It's just like serving ads, except the blogger writes the ads himself/herself. It's like copywriting in advertising - another legitimate career.
And for some of us, earning from the hours spent online is the only way to rationalize spending the time that way. With a family to support one can't have the luxury of spending so many hours just for one's personal enjoyment. But if you can incorporate money making in something that you enjoy doing - like writing online on topics you've read about online - then it's a win-win situation. Is that such a crime?
The blogosphere is like the universe. There is room for everyone. We don't need to bring each other down. We should, instead, be helping each other. Or, at the very least, let each one be.
I enjoy reading blogs giving tips on how to make money online, optimize blogs, do search engine optimization (of which much is still beyond me), apply affiliate marketing techniques, and other related stuff. I also enjoy reading blogs that talk about one person's life, or day, or hobby, or profession, or dreams. They fill different needs. They resonate with me on different levels.
Diversity is good. Diversity enriches us. Let us not hate that which is different.
Discussion and debate is good, too. But let's not allow it to get nasty. Please.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
I respect the stand of personal bloggers who want to keep their blogs purely personal and devoid of ads or any hint of commercialism. I hope they respect the right of others to monetize their blogs, as well. After all, it is their own time, their own efforts and their own writing skills that they are monetizing. Isn't that what entrepreneurship is?
I also bristle at the snide comments that earning from blogs is earning from doing nothing or from no effort at all. It's not as easy as it seems. The money doesn't just come rolling in. Try asking those who are already earning well from their blogs. As a newbie it's almost discouraging for me to see meager cents dropping in after maximum effort. It does not happen overnight. All that effort - giving time and writing your best - needs to be coupled with a lot of learning, networking plus more time. It's real work.
As Yuga said, bloggers are like publishers who are also the authors and editors of their own publications. For probloggers who author blogs owned by networks, it may mean only being the author and editor, or even just the author. It's still a very respectable job.
I don't think it's wrong to be paid to write. Isn't that what professional writers do? Isn't that what freelance writers do? It's called making a living. It's honest work.
There is even more hate thrown at paid posts. But aren't these required to be labeled as sponsored posts? If so, then they are not misleading the readers. It's just like serving ads, except the blogger writes the ads himself/herself. It's like copywriting in advertising - another legitimate career.
And for some of us, earning from the hours spent online is the only way to rationalize spending the time that way. With a family to support one can't have the luxury of spending so many hours just for one's personal enjoyment. But if you can incorporate money making in something that you enjoy doing - like writing online on topics you've read about online - then it's a win-win situation. Is that such a crime?
The blogosphere is like the universe. There is room for everyone. We don't need to bring each other down. We should, instead, be helping each other. Or, at the very least, let each one be.
I enjoy reading blogs giving tips on how to make money online, optimize blogs, do search engine optimization (of which much is still beyond me), apply affiliate marketing techniques, and other related stuff. I also enjoy reading blogs that talk about one person's life, or day, or hobby, or profession, or dreams. They fill different needs. They resonate with me on different levels.
Diversity is good. Diversity enriches us. Let us not hate that which is different.
Discussion and debate is good, too. But let's not allow it to get nasty. Please.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: MyWorld / e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: I Joined the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange; You Can, Too
Feeling lonely at not having a lot of people who have listed your site among their favorites?
This post at Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way alerted me to the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange, an ongoing experiment began by Dosh Dosh.
Based on the original concept, this is how it goes:
1. You click to make me one of your Technorati Favorites. I'll make it easy for you by putting this button here:
Just click on it and come back here.
2. You have to leave a comment on this post so I can return the favor. Tell me your Technorati username so I can find you among those who will Favorite me from this post. (There will be droves, I hope! :-D )
3. This is very important: Include in your comment a link to your site (one site only) and, to keep things easy, the Technorati Fave button linked to your site. Also, please let me know if you only want me to fave you, or if you also have the Link List in your blog so I can add you to the list, too.
- Go to Technorati Tools. Click on Favorite Buttons.
- If you have several sites, make sure the one you have chosen to place here is the one in the "Make a custom button for" box.
- Copy the first code and paste in with your comment.
- I will click on that button later to add you to my Favorites.
- My Technorati username is tessasandiego. It will appear in the list of those who have made you their Favorite at your Technorati account.
- If this does not happen after 24 hours, leave me a new comment.
If all you want is one exchange, you're done.
If you want more exchanges, though, possibly enough to put you high up there in the Technorati Most Favorited blogs, you can do as I am doing and hold the same Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange in your blog.
1. Make a new post on this.
2. Give the same instructions, but in your own words.
DO NOT COPY AND PASTE from my post or any of the previous Exchange posts. Duplicate posts will hurt all of our standings, including yours.
3. Include a link to this post, mentioning that you learned about the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange here and that it is still ongoing.
When I see this link through Technorati, I will add you to the list of Exchange hosts below. (If this does not happen within 48 hours, please leave me a reminder via a comment.)
4. Put a linked list of Exchange Hosts in your post, as below. This time, you may copy and paste the list from here. I've already added my link at the bottom. Add yours to your list, too.
If you just want an exchange of links without having to host the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange, that's fine with me, too. You can either mention this post in your post, with a link to it, or you can add my site to your links list. Just let me know and give me your link so I can reciprocate.
Here are the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange Hosts:
Dosh Dosh - kawaiikuma
AskaX World - Andika Kusuma
T - T Jantunen - Calvin Warr
Vinod Live! - Vinod Ponmanadiyil
Bil2me dot com - William Toomey
Zath - Simon Barker
VersaCreations - Vivienne Quek - Gary V. Vaughan - Gary Lee
Blogging for Money - Michael A. Setyaputra
Money Consciousness - Nenad
Brown Thoughts - Brown Baron
Quasi Fictional - Diogenes
Foreign Perspectives - Arnold
Home Based Business - Brian Pratt
The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under - Rob St George
Sexy in Red - Norlina
JameoTips - ValkrieAngel
I Thought, Therefore I Blog - Bet Shop Boy
My Online Collections - Star500
Ramblings of an Undisturbed Mind - Beth
Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way - ejcooksey
Manila Mom - tessasandiego
Gauravonomics - Gaurav Mishra
Digital Mail - atul
Rishi Raj - rishimac
Keeping Fit Is A Daily Battle - Nash Trout
Serendipity - Sharique
PinoyBlogosphere - pinoyblogosphere
Life in the Fast Lane - Deborah
Our Journey - sy
Localingo - tanguy
Middle Zone Musings - Robert Hruzek
India PR Blog - hobbithob
My Journey to One Million Dollars -Laura
Sleeping Princess - Jocelyn
The Filipino Entrepreneur - mmontala
Nukilan Jejari Azhad - azhad
Earn Money On The Web - Kent - Jason
Making Money Through Internet - MarriedMelody
Blogs et IE - T@blogosphere
IT Experts Central - Marcus - uncleboob
The Rojak Blog - ApOgEE
The Anitokid Chronikos - Billiards and Philippine sports
Technix Update — Tech News,Web 2.0,Orkut Tricks,Vista Tricks,Internet Tricks.
Light Within
Niche Marketing - Andy Beard
My Affiliate Journey - Affiliate Marketing Blog by Vlad
Mr & Mrs. Imran
Me and my net
Klamath Design: Starting A Home Based Web Design Business — Helping Web Designers Succeed In Business irresistible technology
Shankar's Tech Blog 2.0
Anti-Spyware and PC Security News
Our Journey
Travel Blog for Business
Ms. Latina's Site - Ms. Latina's Site
ReviewSaurus - The Techie Dino! The Dino which deals in all kind of technical related stuff.
Share Everything In Life
BlogoSquare — Fun 2.0 news & tips
Ms. Latina Renee Enterprise, LLC
Show Me The Money
Shakeroo's Gold - BlogCharm
Mom of Many Redheads
Because I Was Bored… - Blog
The Blog for DesignCreatology
IT Experts Central - Free Computer Programming Tutorials
Blogs et Intelligence économique
Earn Money on the Web
Making Money Through Internet
The Legal Two-timer
Mother's Home!
Sophistishe.Org Just a Personal Blog
Travelogue of a Blogger
Search Useful Articles
The Voice In My Head
My Life Is Murphy's Law - Ev Nucci
Visit them and get Favorited!
You could also get the following automatic favoriting program that faves back all those who have faved you. I got it from One Wacky Mom's post.
grab the program here [2.4MB]
This post at Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way alerted me to the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange, an ongoing experiment began by Dosh Dosh.
Based on the original concept, this is how it goes:
1. You click to make me one of your Technorati Favorites. I'll make it easy for you by putting this button here:

2. You have to leave a comment on this post so I can return the favor. Tell me your Technorati username so I can find you among those who will Favorite me from this post. (There will be droves, I hope! :-D )
3. This is very important: Include in your comment a link to your site (one site only) and, to keep things easy, the Technorati Fave button linked to your site. Also, please let me know if you only want me to fave you, or if you also have the Link List in your blog so I can add you to the list, too.
- Go to Technorati Tools. Click on Favorite Buttons.
- If you have several sites, make sure the one you have chosen to place here is the one in the "Make a custom button for" box.
- Copy the first code and paste in with your comment.
- I will click on that button later to add you to my Favorites.
- My Technorati username is tessasandiego. It will appear in the list of those who have made you their Favorite at your Technorati account.
- If this does not happen after 24 hours, leave me a new comment.
If all you want is one exchange, you're done.
If you want more exchanges, though, possibly enough to put you high up there in the Technorati Most Favorited blogs, you can do as I am doing and hold the same Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange in your blog.
1. Make a new post on this.
2. Give the same instructions, but in your own words.
DO NOT COPY AND PASTE from my post or any of the previous Exchange posts. Duplicate posts will hurt all of our standings, including yours.
3. Include a link to this post, mentioning that you learned about the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange here and that it is still ongoing.
When I see this link through Technorati, I will add you to the list of Exchange hosts below. (If this does not happen within 48 hours, please leave me a reminder via a comment.)
4. Put a linked list of Exchange Hosts in your post, as below. This time, you may copy and paste the list from here. I've already added my link at the bottom. Add yours to your list, too.
If you just want an exchange of links without having to host the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange, that's fine with me, too. You can either mention this post in your post, with a link to it, or you can add my site to your links list. Just let me know and give me your link so I can reciprocate.
Here are the Ultimate Technorati Favorites Exchange Hosts:
Dosh Dosh - kawaiikuma
AskaX World - Andika Kusuma
T - T Jantunen - Calvin Warr
Vinod Live! - Vinod Ponmanadiyil
Bil2me dot com - William Toomey
Zath - Simon Barker
VersaCreations - Vivienne Quek - Gary V. Vaughan - Gary Lee
Blogging for Money - Michael A. Setyaputra
Money Consciousness - Nenad
Brown Thoughts - Brown Baron
Quasi Fictional - Diogenes
Foreign Perspectives - Arnold
Home Based Business - Brian Pratt
The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under - Rob St George
Sexy in Red - Norlina
JameoTips - ValkrieAngel
I Thought, Therefore I Blog - Bet Shop Boy
My Online Collections - Star500
Ramblings of an Undisturbed Mind - Beth
Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way - ejcooksey
Manila Mom - tessasandiego
Gauravonomics - Gaurav Mishra
Digital Mail - atul
Rishi Raj - rishimac
Keeping Fit Is A Daily Battle - Nash Trout
Serendipity - Sharique
PinoyBlogosphere - pinoyblogosphere
Life in the Fast Lane - Deborah
Our Journey - sy
Localingo - tanguy
Middle Zone Musings - Robert Hruzek
India PR Blog - hobbithob
My Journey to One Million Dollars -Laura
Sleeping Princess - Jocelyn
The Filipino Entrepreneur - mmontala
Nukilan Jejari Azhad - azhad
Earn Money On The Web - Kent - Jason
Making Money Through Internet - MarriedMelody
Blogs et IE - T@blogosphere
IT Experts Central - Marcus - uncleboob
The Rojak Blog - ApOgEE
The Anitokid Chronikos - Billiards and Philippine sports
Technix Update — Tech News,Web 2.0,Orkut Tricks,Vista Tricks,Internet Tricks.
Light Within
Niche Marketing - Andy Beard
My Affiliate Journey - Affiliate Marketing Blog by Vlad
Mr & Mrs. Imran
Me and my net
Klamath Design: Starting A Home Based Web Design Business — Helping Web Designers Succeed In Business irresistible technology
Shankar's Tech Blog 2.0
Anti-Spyware and PC Security News
Our Journey
Travel Blog for Business
Ms. Latina's Site - Ms. Latina's Site
ReviewSaurus - The Techie Dino! The Dino which deals in all kind of technical related stuff.
Share Everything In Life
BlogoSquare — Fun 2.0 news & tips
Ms. Latina Renee Enterprise, LLC
Show Me The Money
Shakeroo's Gold - BlogCharm
Mom of Many Redheads
Because I Was Bored… - Blog
The Blog for DesignCreatology
IT Experts Central - Free Computer Programming Tutorials
Blogs et Intelligence économique
Earn Money on the Web
Making Money Through Internet
The Legal Two-timer
Mother's Home!
Sophistishe.Org Just a Personal Blog
Travelogue of a Blogger
Search Useful Articles
The Voice In My Head
My Life Is Murphy's Law - Ev Nucci
Visit them and get Favorited!
You could also get the following automatic favoriting program that faves back all those who have faved you. I got it from One Wacky Mom's post.
grab the program here [2.4MB]
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: What Do You Do When Your Adsense Ads Suddenly Disappear?
Argh! It has been a very frustrating day for me! For some reason, the Adsense ads at one of my other blogs, 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs & a Family, suddenly disappeared. Well, one ad remained - the big rectangle under the header - but it now shows a public service ad.
What could have happened?
I already noticed earlier that the Adsense ads showing on that site didn't match the topic. For goodness' sakes, they were all about bulimia and eating disorders. What has that got to do with dogs and guinea pigs? (I don't want to think that they would connect the word pigs with eating disorders - that's just mean.)
Anyway, I tweaked the subhead and changed the way I presented some of my affiliate links, hoping that this would trigger some recognition of my keywords with Adsense. The situation went from bad to worse. Now there are two huge blank spaces on my sidebar where my Adsense ads used to be!
So all that effort to optimize Adsense seems to have backfired.
I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions?
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
What could have happened?
I already noticed earlier that the Adsense ads showing on that site didn't match the topic. For goodness' sakes, they were all about bulimia and eating disorders. What has that got to do with dogs and guinea pigs? (I don't want to think that they would connect the word pigs with eating disorders - that's just mean.)
Anyway, I tweaked the subhead and changed the way I presented some of my affiliate links, hoping that this would trigger some recognition of my keywords with Adsense. The situation went from bad to worse. Now there are two huge blank spaces on my sidebar where my Adsense ads used to be!
So all that effort to optimize Adsense seems to have backfired.
I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions?
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Friday, April 13, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Optimizing Efforts, Worrying Over eCPM, Tweaking Ad Placements and Adding Affiliate Links
The title about says it all.
I've been wondering over our blogs' (mine and my daughters' - all sharing a single Adsense account) eCPM. (Adsense tells me this is an estimate of how much the blog could earn per 1000 page impressions, but is not a guarantee of actual income.)
It's frustrating to read of how high the numbers can go for other blogs and how ours seem pathetic in comparison. Okay, we've only just started so that can be an excuse. But even among our own blogs, I can't understand how the figures could vary so much.
I spent a lot of time yesterday changing the layout and adsense placements in the blogs. For the first time, I discovered that I could actually move a new Blogger template page element to another part of the page, e.g., as a big rectangle under the header. Okay, please stop sniggering at my cluelessness.
Upon waking up this morning, I found that, with the exact same change to all our blogs, some have improved their eCPM while others remained as they were. Thankfully, there were no lowered figures.
I decided that while learning my way through Adsense optimization I should maximize the blogs' optimization with more affiliate links.
I tried Clickbank but they do not have the Philippines listed among the countries they accept affiliates from. One seller suggested I find someone in the US to accept my commission checks for me. Does anyone know if that's allowed and legal? I would appreciate your advice very much.
In the meantime, I joined Commission Junction. They have a lot of products but I chose only three that I myself would want to try out: Xoom, Freelance Work Exchange and Site Build It!
As I discussed in my post at EarnGlobal, I want to try out Site Build It! for myself. After losing $90 in my GDI experiment, though, I want to at least earn back the money first before I spend on another venture. I'm hoping my being an SBI! affiliate will enable me to join the program soon.
The cost of joining Freelance Work Exchange seems reasonable for me, even in my current tight-fisted mode. I think I will give it a try then give you my feedback.
Xoom, of course, is something I have already read about in various forums, with good reviews. The next time I need to have some money sent to me from abroad, I will ask the sender to try this service.
So that's what I've been doing so far, folks. Now for my well-deserved shut-eye...
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work, blog, blogs, blogging, weblog

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
I've been wondering over our blogs' (mine and my daughters' - all sharing a single Adsense account) eCPM. (Adsense tells me this is an estimate of how much the blog could earn per 1000 page impressions, but is not a guarantee of actual income.)
It's frustrating to read of how high the numbers can go for other blogs and how ours seem pathetic in comparison. Okay, we've only just started so that can be an excuse. But even among our own blogs, I can't understand how the figures could vary so much.
I spent a lot of time yesterday changing the layout and adsense placements in the blogs. For the first time, I discovered that I could actually move a new Blogger template page element to another part of the page, e.g., as a big rectangle under the header. Okay, please stop sniggering at my cluelessness.
Upon waking up this morning, I found that, with the exact same change to all our blogs, some have improved their eCPM while others remained as they were. Thankfully, there were no lowered figures.
I decided that while learning my way through Adsense optimization I should maximize the blogs' optimization with more affiliate links.
I tried Clickbank but they do not have the Philippines listed among the countries they accept affiliates from. One seller suggested I find someone in the US to accept my commission checks for me. Does anyone know if that's allowed and legal? I would appreciate your advice very much.
In the meantime, I joined Commission Junction. They have a lot of products but I chose only three that I myself would want to try out: Xoom, Freelance Work Exchange and Site Build It!
As I discussed in my post at EarnGlobal, I want to try out Site Build It! for myself. After losing $90 in my GDI experiment, though, I want to at least earn back the money first before I spend on another venture. I'm hoping my being an SBI! affiliate will enable me to join the program soon.
The cost of joining Freelance Work Exchange seems reasonable for me, even in my current tight-fisted mode. I think I will give it a try then give you my feedback.
Xoom, of course, is something I have already read about in various forums, with good reviews. The next time I need to have some money sent to me from abroad, I will ask the sender to try this service.
So that's what I've been doing so far, folks. Now for my well-deserved shut-eye...
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work, blog, blogs, blogging, weblog

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: A Blogaholic's Rationalizations
Yes, I'm a blogaholic. With 6 blogs now running, I have to own up to that :-)
It's a fairly recent affliction. My first blog was just set up last March 22. I've been very busy since then.
It seems like the more I read about blogging and adsense and optimization, the more I had to set up my own experiments for some actual hands-on learning.
I've come to love three of my blogs so much, though, that monetization seems to be just a bonus when it comes to them.
Of course, first on my list is my first-born blog, Manila Mom. I believe this blog will chronicle my growth in this field. I also hope it can help other newbies like me and that, eventually, I become successful enough to be an inspiration as much as those who came before me have inspired me to go in this direction.
Next is my Cafe Romanza blog. It presents my romance writer persona - a very major part of my career. It also reflects my views on love, marriage, relationships and romance, something that's central to my own growth as a woman and a person. I couldn't do without this blog the same way I couldn't do without romance in my life and my writing career.
And then there's 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs & a Family. This was something I had always wanted to write about. I held back initially because it seemed too personal. Who would be interested? Then the blogosphere itself gave me a nudge by linking me up with an advocate of askals (native Philippine dogs andmixed breed dogs). I found a compelling reason to write about how we should love our askals as much as purebred pedigree dogs. Of course, it couldn't not include our other pets and our crazy family life, as well. (Yes, crazy, as in naming our dogs Poop, Booger and Barf.)
My other 3 blogs have been calculated to fit into particular niches. They are more challenging to write for but I like to think of it as a professional challenge. I am my own content provider and, as such, I have to be able to write on whatever topic is called for.
My 2 Centavos Worth focuses on TV shows, celebrities and what's hot on the web. It's entertaining for me, too, in that I get to keep abreast of the entertainment industry.
My Earn Global blog was initially meant to support and drive more traffic to my affiliate business with Global Domains International. Well, the business was a failure but I decided to keep my blog and focus it on various home based web businesses instead.
Earn Global will be closely related to Manila Mom in subject matter although this blog will be more personal and more reflective of my own journey while the other will be more of a review of what's out there.
Finally, there's Credit Ability, my most "calculated" experiment. It is meant to test whether a blog on supposedly highly-searched and highly-paid keywords will succeed.
So there you have it. These are my rationalizations for being a blogaholic.
Wait, I forgot - making this an income-generating attempt also rationalizes the time I spend surfing :-) Now I can call it research!
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work, blog, blogs, blogging, weblog

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
It's a fairly recent affliction. My first blog was just set up last March 22. I've been very busy since then.
It seems like the more I read about blogging and adsense and optimization, the more I had to set up my own experiments for some actual hands-on learning.
I've come to love three of my blogs so much, though, that monetization seems to be just a bonus when it comes to them.
Of course, first on my list is my first-born blog, Manila Mom. I believe this blog will chronicle my growth in this field. I also hope it can help other newbies like me and that, eventually, I become successful enough to be an inspiration as much as those who came before me have inspired me to go in this direction.
Next is my Cafe Romanza blog. It presents my romance writer persona - a very major part of my career. It also reflects my views on love, marriage, relationships and romance, something that's central to my own growth as a woman and a person. I couldn't do without this blog the same way I couldn't do without romance in my life and my writing career.
And then there's 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs & a Family. This was something I had always wanted to write about. I held back initially because it seemed too personal. Who would be interested? Then the blogosphere itself gave me a nudge by linking me up with an advocate of askals (native Philippine dogs andmixed breed dogs). I found a compelling reason to write about how we should love our askals as much as purebred pedigree dogs. Of course, it couldn't not include our other pets and our crazy family life, as well. (Yes, crazy, as in naming our dogs Poop, Booger and Barf.)
My other 3 blogs have been calculated to fit into particular niches. They are more challenging to write for but I like to think of it as a professional challenge. I am my own content provider and, as such, I have to be able to write on whatever topic is called for.
My 2 Centavos Worth focuses on TV shows, celebrities and what's hot on the web. It's entertaining for me, too, in that I get to keep abreast of the entertainment industry.
My Earn Global blog was initially meant to support and drive more traffic to my affiliate business with Global Domains International. Well, the business was a failure but I decided to keep my blog and focus it on various home based web businesses instead.
Earn Global will be closely related to Manila Mom in subject matter although this blog will be more personal and more reflective of my own journey while the other will be more of a review of what's out there.
Finally, there's Credit Ability, my most "calculated" experiment. It is meant to test whether a blog on supposedly highly-searched and highly-paid keywords will succeed.
So there you have it. These are my rationalizations for being a blogaholic.
Wait, I forgot - making this an income-generating attempt also rationalizes the time I spend surfing :-) Now I can call it research!
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work, blog, blogs, blogging, weblog

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Cutting My Losses in Affiliate Marketing
At around 3 a.m. today (Manila time) I discontinued my affiliation with Global Domains International.
I joined as an affiliate sometime in August last year, taking advantage of the week-long free trial. Near the end of that week I found out that in order to opt out I would have to call a certain number long-distance, Monday to Friday 9 to 5 Pacific time. That meant between 1 to 9 am Manila time.
I did not opt out immediately. The $10 a month charge seemed reasonable considering that it came with a domain name of my choosing and a free website with web-building tools provided and a ready-made business selling GDI memberships.
It was not as easy as it seemed, though.
The initial come-on said no selling, but I was expected to keep sending emails to relatives, friends and acquaintances inviting them to GDI. I wasn't keen on doing so.
The website was there but even with their web-building tools there was not much I could do with it. I don't know html and couldn't improve on it. Even to my own eyes, the resulting site looked unappealing despite my best efforts at putting in what I thought was good content pitching the business.
I also did not know how to drive traffic to the site, perhaps because I felt lukewarm about it in the first place.
In the end it just stayed there online, unnoticed, while I continued to pay for it. It just got a few visits after I linked to it in my recently-opened blogs and at MyBlogLog. Still, no takers for the GDI business I was pushing. Not even in the links in my other blogs.
I know, I know. This is all my fault. There's no one I can blame for it, not even GDI. I'm sure it's true that there are a lot of people out there earning from the business.
It just wasn't the right fit.
I know now that the only kind of business or money-making venture I can succeed in is something that I'm comfortable with or, better yet, something I'm passionate about.
My goodness, I know this already. Why do you think I stuck to freelance writing and romance writing despite the fact that I could have been more secure employed? I chose my passion, that's why. And it has supported me through the years.
So trying to force myself to make a go of the GDI business was really a stretch and I should have seen it earlier.
Well, I lost $90 before I woke up and let go of the dream. It wasn't me so it wasn't for me. I had to cut my losses.
Now I have that figure to target initially for my new blogs. I hope they make up for what I lost, and then LOTS more! :-)
I'm also feeling my way here. Will my passion for writing also translate into success in this medium? There's so much more I have to learn still beyond content. There's also the technical side and networking.
I gave up on GDI already but I'm not giving up on blogging anytime soon. I hope my visitors don't give up on me, too.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
I joined as an affiliate sometime in August last year, taking advantage of the week-long free trial. Near the end of that week I found out that in order to opt out I would have to call a certain number long-distance, Monday to Friday 9 to 5 Pacific time. That meant between 1 to 9 am Manila time.
I did not opt out immediately. The $10 a month charge seemed reasonable considering that it came with a domain name of my choosing and a free website with web-building tools provided and a ready-made business selling GDI memberships.
It was not as easy as it seemed, though.
The initial come-on said no selling, but I was expected to keep sending emails to relatives, friends and acquaintances inviting them to GDI. I wasn't keen on doing so.
The website was there but even with their web-building tools there was not much I could do with it. I don't know html and couldn't improve on it. Even to my own eyes, the resulting site looked unappealing despite my best efforts at putting in what I thought was good content pitching the business.
I also did not know how to drive traffic to the site, perhaps because I felt lukewarm about it in the first place.
In the end it just stayed there online, unnoticed, while I continued to pay for it. It just got a few visits after I linked to it in my recently-opened blogs and at MyBlogLog. Still, no takers for the GDI business I was pushing. Not even in the links in my other blogs.
I know, I know. This is all my fault. There's no one I can blame for it, not even GDI. I'm sure it's true that there are a lot of people out there earning from the business.
It just wasn't the right fit.
I know now that the only kind of business or money-making venture I can succeed in is something that I'm comfortable with or, better yet, something I'm passionate about.
My goodness, I know this already. Why do you think I stuck to freelance writing and romance writing despite the fact that I could have been more secure employed? I chose my passion, that's why. And it has supported me through the years.
So trying to force myself to make a go of the GDI business was really a stretch and I should have seen it earlier.
Well, I lost $90 before I woke up and let go of the dream. It wasn't me so it wasn't for me. I had to cut my losses.
Now I have that figure to target initially for my new blogs. I hope they make up for what I lost, and then LOTS more! :-)
I'm also feeling my way here. Will my passion for writing also translate into success in this medium? There's so much more I have to learn still beyond content. There's also the technical side and networking.
I gave up on GDI already but I'm not giving up on blogging anytime soon. I hope my visitors don't give up on me, too.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Keeping Ideas Percolating Even Offline
Arghh! This can be really frustrating. Balancing the blogging bug and real life, I mean.
Despite all good intentions to post daily, real life happens, of course, and throws in some unexpected challenges along the way.
There's no contest here. Real life wins. After all, there's no point in having a life online if you don't have a life offline.
It was my mother-in-law's birthday yesterday and we went out to lunch with the family. I told myself I would blog at night. No way would I miss that family lunch.
Then I realized we were taking my eldest daughter to her friend's birthday party that night. It was at Makati - quite far from our place - and it wouldn't be practical to drive back and forth so we decided to wait for her at the mall. I thought the party would end at 10 so I could still have time to blog. It ended at almost midnight. By the time we arrived home I was pooped.
Today I received a text message from one of my major clients in my freelance writing. So I have to go out to their office to pick up my check. (Yey!)
That means I'll have to postpone my posts for my other blogs till we get back.
I'm so worked up by the new inspiration brought on by marhgil's comment on my previous post, though. Do read his Adsense success story and you'll be fired up,too.
Now I have even more ideas cropping up in my head and I'll keep them percolating while I'm offline.
First off, I'm going to heed my good friend's advice for Cafe Romanza. I will be serializing one of my unpublished fantasy romances there. If you'd like to read a Maia Jose Filipino romance novel for free, drop by. I'll start tomorrow.
I'm also itching to continue telling my stories about our askals (mixed breed native dogs) and guinea pigs in 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs & a Family.
As for My 2 Centavos Worth, I find myself mentally tagging everything I read about celebrities and TV shows for possible posting there.
Then, of course,I also keep my eyes open for news on home based web businesses for Earn Global, and on credit issues for Credit Ability.
Blogging means working both online and offline. That's a plus because it means there's no time wasted. Just because you're not pounding the keys doesn't mean you're being unproductive for your blog. The mental work is just as important.
Then again, you really have to make sure you do update your posts as much as you can.
I have to rush off now. See you later, friends!
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Despite all good intentions to post daily, real life happens, of course, and throws in some unexpected challenges along the way.
There's no contest here. Real life wins. After all, there's no point in having a life online if you don't have a life offline.
It was my mother-in-law's birthday yesterday and we went out to lunch with the family. I told myself I would blog at night. No way would I miss that family lunch.
Then I realized we were taking my eldest daughter to her friend's birthday party that night. It was at Makati - quite far from our place - and it wouldn't be practical to drive back and forth so we decided to wait for her at the mall. I thought the party would end at 10 so I could still have time to blog. It ended at almost midnight. By the time we arrived home I was pooped.
Today I received a text message from one of my major clients in my freelance writing. So I have to go out to their office to pick up my check. (Yey!)
That means I'll have to postpone my posts for my other blogs till we get back.
I'm so worked up by the new inspiration brought on by marhgil's comment on my previous post, though. Do read his Adsense success story and you'll be fired up,too.
Now I have even more ideas cropping up in my head and I'll keep them percolating while I'm offline.
First off, I'm going to heed my good friend's advice for Cafe Romanza. I will be serializing one of my unpublished fantasy romances there. If you'd like to read a Maia Jose Filipino romance novel for free, drop by. I'll start tomorrow.
I'm also itching to continue telling my stories about our askals (mixed breed native dogs) and guinea pigs in 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs & a Family.
As for My 2 Centavos Worth, I find myself mentally tagging everything I read about celebrities and TV shows for possible posting there.
Then, of course,I also keep my eyes open for news on home based web businesses for Earn Global, and on credit issues for Credit Ability.
Blogging means working both online and offline. That's a plus because it means there's no time wasted. Just because you're not pounding the keys doesn't mean you're being unproductive for your blog. The mental work is just as important.
Then again, you really have to make sure you do update your posts as much as you can.
I have to rush off now. See you later, friends!
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Don't get intimidated by keywords and KEI
I'm sorry for being away the last two days. I was spending more time with the family, it being Holy Week. My intention was to stay away from the laptop. It didn't happen.
It wasn't so bad, though. My laptop is just beside the dining table which faces the TV and where everyone converges during all our waking times, anyway. So I'm always talking to everyone even as I work.
I wasn't posting but I sure was working. I was doing research on the net, reading up on how to further optimize my blogs and how to earn more. (There's so much to read out there!)
We all know about how important keywords are. For newbies like me (or noobs, as my friend, female-gamer, puts it), these are the words directly related to our main topic which we need to include in our blog title, headings and blog posts.
Search engine spiders pick up on these and use them to include us in relevant searches. Google Adsense also uses our keywords to provide us with relevant ads.
I already knew my keywords for each of my blogs. As I mentioned in previous posts, I intentionally targetted certain niches for each one.
Then I read that Google Adsense pays publishers varying rates depending on keywords. In other words, some keywords earn more than others even with the same traffic because advertisers pay more for certain keywords.
I found some sites that list top-paying keywords. (Just search Google for top-paying keywords.) Much to my dismay, my own keywords were nowhere there.
As an experiment (here I go again) I created a new blog based solely on a cluster of some of the highest paying keywords I found on the list. Credit Ability is on credit cards, loans, credit counseling, credit management, loan consolidation and everything else related to that.
We'll see how that blog performs in Adsense.
After I had set up that blog - including finalizing it's look, putting in Adsense, researching and writing a decent post, claiming it at technorati and including it in MyBlogLog - I found out about KEI.
Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) compares a keyword's popularity in searches to the number of sites using it and competing in the searches. In other words, we should want a keyword that a lot of people are searching for but relatively few sites are using. That means having a KEI of at least 10-100 or, better still, 100-400.
Wordtracker offers a trial use of their software to measure your keyword's KEI, so I immediately put it to work, of course.
I exhausted my list of keywords for all my blogs, including more related keywords that Wordtracker came up with. The result? Most of my keywords didn't even score a 1! Less than 5 scored, well, less than 5 points.
Imagine how depressing that was!
But no, I didn't let it get to me. I thought about the biggest blog networks, B5media and Creative Weblogging. They each have numerous blogs that do not necessarily fall under the top-paying keywords category. Several of their blogs are also on the same topics I write about. So I guess I'm not totally off-track then, am I?
So I won't let myself get intimidated. I'll just keep on writing in my blogs, doing my networking and I'll see how this experiment goes in the long run.
Please, if there's something I'm not getting here, will someone let me know?
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
It wasn't so bad, though. My laptop is just beside the dining table which faces the TV and where everyone converges during all our waking times, anyway. So I'm always talking to everyone even as I work.
I wasn't posting but I sure was working. I was doing research on the net, reading up on how to further optimize my blogs and how to earn more. (There's so much to read out there!)
We all know about how important keywords are. For newbies like me (or noobs, as my friend, female-gamer, puts it), these are the words directly related to our main topic which we need to include in our blog title, headings and blog posts.
Search engine spiders pick up on these and use them to include us in relevant searches. Google Adsense also uses our keywords to provide us with relevant ads.
I already knew my keywords for each of my blogs. As I mentioned in previous posts, I intentionally targetted certain niches for each one.
Then I read that Google Adsense pays publishers varying rates depending on keywords. In other words, some keywords earn more than others even with the same traffic because advertisers pay more for certain keywords.
I found some sites that list top-paying keywords. (Just search Google for top-paying keywords.) Much to my dismay, my own keywords were nowhere there.
As an experiment (here I go again) I created a new blog based solely on a cluster of some of the highest paying keywords I found on the list. Credit Ability is on credit cards, loans, credit counseling, credit management, loan consolidation and everything else related to that.
We'll see how that blog performs in Adsense.
After I had set up that blog - including finalizing it's look, putting in Adsense, researching and writing a decent post, claiming it at technorati and including it in MyBlogLog - I found out about KEI.
Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) compares a keyword's popularity in searches to the number of sites using it and competing in the searches. In other words, we should want a keyword that a lot of people are searching for but relatively few sites are using. That means having a KEI of at least 10-100 or, better still, 100-400.
Wordtracker offers a trial use of their software to measure your keyword's KEI, so I immediately put it to work, of course.
I exhausted my list of keywords for all my blogs, including more related keywords that Wordtracker came up with. The result? Most of my keywords didn't even score a 1! Less than 5 scored, well, less than 5 points.
Imagine how depressing that was!
But no, I didn't let it get to me. I thought about the biggest blog networks, B5media and Creative Weblogging. They each have numerous blogs that do not necessarily fall under the top-paying keywords category. Several of their blogs are also on the same topics I write about. So I guess I'm not totally off-track then, am I?
So I won't let myself get intimidated. I'll just keep on writing in my blogs, doing my networking and I'll see how this experiment goes in the long run.
Please, if there's something I'm not getting here, will someone let me know?
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: You Can Send and Receive Payment Anywhere in the World, Including the Philippines, Through E-Gold
I have been frustrated many times in my attempts to find more money-making opportunities online just because most companies pay through Paypal which does not allow Philippine-based users to receive payment.
Fortunately, I found e-gold.
There may not be as many companies that pay through e-gold as compared to Paypal but this at least gives us some additional opportunities to share in the bustling internet economy.
I was concerned at first about how to withdraw the funds I will receive through e-gold. How do I actually convert it to pesos and get hold of it?
Fortunately, again, I found answers at the Pinoy Money Talk Forum which recommends Pinoy Gold Exchange. Several members attest that they continue to use e-gold and Pinoy Gold Exchange, and that all transactions have been fast, easy and problem-free. They can even send you your money through Smart Money.
The wonderful news is that you can get an e-gold account for FREE.
There's even more. Once you have an account, you can even earn by referring people to e-gold.
I would say that e-gold is a worthy addition to anyone's internet money-making ventures. Even if you are a Paypal user, you can still earn by promoting e-gold.
For those of us in the Philippines who want to maximize online income-generation, I think e-gold is a necessary tool.
Be careful in using your account, though. There have been reports of e-gold phishing. These net criminals send e-mail posing as official e-gold communication and lure users into clicking on the false e-gold link to provide their password. To avoid being victmized, never log on to e-gold through any other link. Go directly to the site every time.
On my next post, I will share with you the money-making opportunities I will find that we can join using e-gold.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Fortunately, I found e-gold.
There may not be as many companies that pay through e-gold as compared to Paypal but this at least gives us some additional opportunities to share in the bustling internet economy.
I was concerned at first about how to withdraw the funds I will receive through e-gold. How do I actually convert it to pesos and get hold of it?
Fortunately, again, I found answers at the Pinoy Money Talk Forum which recommends Pinoy Gold Exchange. Several members attest that they continue to use e-gold and Pinoy Gold Exchange, and that all transactions have been fast, easy and problem-free. They can even send you your money through Smart Money.
The wonderful news is that you can get an e-gold account for FREE.
There's even more. Once you have an account, you can even earn by referring people to e-gold.
I would say that e-gold is a worthy addition to anyone's internet money-making ventures. Even if you are a Paypal user, you can still earn by promoting e-gold.
For those of us in the Philippines who want to maximize online income-generation, I think e-gold is a necessary tool.
Be careful in using your account, though. There have been reports of e-gold phishing. These net criminals send e-mail posing as official e-gold communication and lure users into clicking on the false e-gold link to provide their password. To avoid being victmized, never log on to e-gold through any other link. Go directly to the site every time.
On my next post, I will share with you the money-making opportunities I will find that we can join using e-gold.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Time Management Is Crucial While Working At Home and Problogging
My friend told me I was very brave to put up a third blog. She knew how much work blogging entails.
Indeed, it would be dangerous to over-romanticize working at home freelance and problogging. It's not as easy as it seems to be.
I'm writing this as a cautionary message to those who may have read my post yesterday and are planning to put up multiple blogs, too. Take it one step at a time, especially if you're a newbie. Do one blog first to see how the work impacts your day-to-day lifestyle, and add each new blog one at a time while observing your time schedule.
I am not strictly a newbie at this because I already blogged professionally for several months in 2005-2006. I maintained a blog on business communication for Global Business Watch, and was paid for it. Thus, I have some experience writing a daily blog and everything else it entails. (But I AM a newbie at monetizing my own blog, using Adsense and all the other online money-making ventures.)
I had to stop blogging for Global Business Watch when my Dad got very sick. We focused on his care until he passed away. My Mom got very sick, too, and we are still caring for her.
Yes, blogging does affect real life and vice versa. You need to plan for that and adjust accordingly for unexpected developments, aside of course from having a plan for your usual daily routine.
I am reiterating this also a note to myself. As I mentioned in my post yesterday at Cafe Romanza, I sometimes sit in front of the computer upon waking and then find myself still in my nightclothes by nightfall. Bad, bad, bad habit.
It's so easy to succumb especially if your work station is just there at home. Before you know it, you haven't even had a bath yet, nor breakfast and lunch - perhaps you just have a cup of now-cold coffee on your table - and you're already so immersed in your work that you feel it's impossible to stand up.
We need to make a schedule for ourselves. I promised myself not to even look at the computer until I've bathed, dressed and had a proper breakfast. It would be even better if I could squeeze in some exercise first. (Yeah, right! Good luck to me!)
I'm lucky because the chores are taken care of by our long-time help who are already family. That's a great load off my back.(And one reason why I think I could never live anywhere else but the Philippines, unless I could take them with me.)
Aside from scheduling your time at the computer, you also need to determine how you use that time. Plan ahead for your posts - yes, even while you're away from the keyboard. That way, you already have an idea on what to research on when you sit down to work.
Surfing to get ideas for your day's blog can be very time-consuming. It's such fun to just read on and on, hopping from one site to another, that you could lose sight of your goal and lose focus. Before you know it, you've already lost most of the day, too.
I find that it's better to write my posts first before answering my email and bloghopping for networking and advance research on future posts. That way, I make sure that the primary work for the day is done. I also make sure to update my network at MyBlogLog afterwards as this is a major promotion tool.
Yes, it's a lot of work, especially in the startup days when you need to get your rhythm and build your community of readers. It's also important to try to create good work habits at this stage so that you can take off smoothly.
Now if I could just follow my own advice...
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Indeed, it would be dangerous to over-romanticize working at home freelance and problogging. It's not as easy as it seems to be.
I'm writing this as a cautionary message to those who may have read my post yesterday and are planning to put up multiple blogs, too. Take it one step at a time, especially if you're a newbie. Do one blog first to see how the work impacts your day-to-day lifestyle, and add each new blog one at a time while observing your time schedule.
I am not strictly a newbie at this because I already blogged professionally for several months in 2005-2006. I maintained a blog on business communication for Global Business Watch, and was paid for it. Thus, I have some experience writing a daily blog and everything else it entails. (But I AM a newbie at monetizing my own blog, using Adsense and all the other online money-making ventures.)
I had to stop blogging for Global Business Watch when my Dad got very sick. We focused on his care until he passed away. My Mom got very sick, too, and we are still caring for her.
Yes, blogging does affect real life and vice versa. You need to plan for that and adjust accordingly for unexpected developments, aside of course from having a plan for your usual daily routine.
I am reiterating this also a note to myself. As I mentioned in my post yesterday at Cafe Romanza, I sometimes sit in front of the computer upon waking and then find myself still in my nightclothes by nightfall. Bad, bad, bad habit.
It's so easy to succumb especially if your work station is just there at home. Before you know it, you haven't even had a bath yet, nor breakfast and lunch - perhaps you just have a cup of now-cold coffee on your table - and you're already so immersed in your work that you feel it's impossible to stand up.
We need to make a schedule for ourselves. I promised myself not to even look at the computer until I've bathed, dressed and had a proper breakfast. It would be even better if I could squeeze in some exercise first. (Yeah, right! Good luck to me!)
I'm lucky because the chores are taken care of by our long-time help who are already family. That's a great load off my back.(And one reason why I think I could never live anywhere else but the Philippines, unless I could take them with me.)
Aside from scheduling your time at the computer, you also need to determine how you use that time. Plan ahead for your posts - yes, even while you're away from the keyboard. That way, you already have an idea on what to research on when you sit down to work.
Surfing to get ideas for your day's blog can be very time-consuming. It's such fun to just read on and on, hopping from one site to another, that you could lose sight of your goal and lose focus. Before you know it, you've already lost most of the day, too.
I find that it's better to write my posts first before answering my email and bloghopping for networking and advance research on future posts. That way, I make sure that the primary work for the day is done. I also make sure to update my network at MyBlogLog afterwards as this is a major promotion tool.
Yes, it's a lot of work, especially in the startup days when you need to get your rhythm and build your community of readers. It's also important to try to create good work habits at this stage so that you can take off smoothly.
Now if I could just follow my own advice...
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Launching a New Blog to Widen Your Reach, Get More Traffic and Maximize Your Use of Adsense
I just launched My 2 Centavos Worth - a blog on tv shows, celebrities and whatever's being buzzed about around the web.
This is to follow my own advice on streamlining the topic of each of your blogs to your target niche market.
I felt that I wanted to comment on the hot topics of the day concerning pop culture but it wasn't appropriate to this blog or my Cafe Romanza blog. It needed it's own place for its own audience where it could serve up its own targetted ads.
By expanding to another topic area, I get to reach out to people who may not be attracted to the topics covered by my work-at-home-and-make-money-online blog or my romance-writing/reading blog. I get to draw in traffic that may not have been accessible to me before. Of course, my new blog also has Adsense to monetize this traffic.
I realize I will need to promote this blog, too, by surfing similarly themed blogs and leaving relevant comments. I will have to build a community for it.
Having several blogs on various topics you are interested in and on which you know you can write on regularly is a good way to widen your reach in the blogosphere and maximize your use of Adsense. Make sure you write effectively for each blog and its topic, though, paying attention to the special interests and styles of each site.
This is actually fun for me. It's like writing several columns on different topics for a magazine.
Do come and visit my new blog, too.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
This is to follow my own advice on streamlining the topic of each of your blogs to your target niche market.
I felt that I wanted to comment on the hot topics of the day concerning pop culture but it wasn't appropriate to this blog or my Cafe Romanza blog. It needed it's own place for its own audience where it could serve up its own targetted ads.
By expanding to another topic area, I get to reach out to people who may not be attracted to the topics covered by my work-at-home-and-make-money-online blog or my romance-writing/reading blog. I get to draw in traffic that may not have been accessible to me before. Of course, my new blog also has Adsense to monetize this traffic.
I realize I will need to promote this blog, too, by surfing similarly themed blogs and leaving relevant comments. I will have to build a community for it.
Having several blogs on various topics you are interested in and on which you know you can write on regularly is a good way to widen your reach in the blogosphere and maximize your use of Adsense. Make sure you write effectively for each blog and its topic, though, paying attention to the special interests and styles of each site.
This is actually fun for me. It's like writing several columns on different topics for a magazine.
Do come and visit my new blog, too.
Technorati tags: e-gold, make money online, work at home, money, writing, work

Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE: e-gold / SFI / AGLOCO / MyLot / / Paid Forum
Monday, April 02, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Get Interviewed to Get More Traffic

Yes! My interview is up at 5 Minutes for Mom, a wonderful blog site owned by twin work-at-home moms, Susan and Janice.
They list Mom websites for free, and with your registration comes an interview.
There were a lot of questions but you can choose which ones to answer. I was quite stingy and I regret it now. I should have gone for the whole caboodle to make a more in-depth interview. Oh well. I wonder if there's a way to improve on it? I'll go and find out later.
This means that I'll always be listed in their Readers' Blogs under Writer Moms. That's something of real value because it's not just a simple link list. It comes with your photo and a short blurb you get to write about yourself and your blog.
I also like how I can find other writer moms from the list. They all seem to be so interesting and I intend to go visit each of them. And then I'm moving on to the other Mom blogs under the other categories. Boy, I can spend the whole day just exploring those blogs.
This is what I like about blogging. Even the task of networking to get more traffic for your blog is in itself so much fun. It's not a chore at all. In fact, I have to tell myself to write my own post first before I go networking or else I'll just go gallivanting around the blogosphere.
Mission accomplished for the day in this blog so I'll just have to post at Cafe Romanza and then it's bloghopping time for me. Yey!
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
Trying to Earn Global Online from the Philippines: Shameless Promotion for My Daughter's Blog, The City Lifestylist
I'll take my license as a Mom to post this plug for my eldest daughter's new blog, The City Lifestylist.
She talks about skincare, makeup, fashion, shoes, bags and accessories.
Although she has been blogging privately at various sites for years, she just very recently caught the problogging bug from me and this is her first attempt at it.
I guess it will also further hone her skills as an incoming junior majoring in Communication Arts and Advertising.
You're always welcome to drop by.
By the way, promoting other blogs can also benefit your own blog's traffic if the blog you're promoting agrees to link back to you, too. It's a win-win situation.
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE:
- Send and receive money anywhere around the world with e-gold. Earn from referrals.
- Get your own internet business using a proven worldwide income system with a 20-year track record. No experience required. No risk.
- AGLOCO will pay you for just doing your normal surfing routine. You can earn even more with referrals.
- Earn $5 immediately just by signing up at Paid Forum. Earn more from each referral, each thread you start and each reply posted.
- MyLot also pays you to participate actively in their forum. Earn further from your referrals.
- pays you to click, read email, and sign up for offers. You also get paid when you refer new members.
She talks about skincare, makeup, fashion, shoes, bags and accessories.
Although she has been blogging privately at various sites for years, she just very recently caught the problogging bug from me and this is her first attempt at it.
I guess it will also further hone her skills as an incoming junior majoring in Communication Arts and Advertising.
You're always welcome to drop by.
By the way, promoting other blogs can also benefit your own blog's traffic if the blog you're promoting agrees to link back to you, too. It's a win-win situation.
Online money-making opportunities you can join for FREE:
- Send and receive money anywhere around the world with e-gold. Earn from referrals.
- Get your own internet business using a proven worldwide income system with a 20-year track record. No experience required. No risk.
- AGLOCO will pay you for just doing your normal surfing routine. You can earn even more with referrals.
- Earn $5 immediately just by signing up at Paid Forum. Earn more from each referral, each thread you start and each reply posted.
- MyLot also pays you to participate actively in their forum. Earn further from your referrals.
- pays you to click, read email, and sign up for offers. You also get paid when you refer new members.

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