Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Social Networking on a Social Learning Network – A Nice Spot for Students to Hang Out In

I remember that I was fine in Physics in high school. When I hit college, though, it was a whole new ballgame. My first course was Industrial Engineering at the University of the Philippines in Diliman but after a year I shifted to Communication Research. Physics was one of the subjects that clinched my decision to shift.

I’m writing about this now because I just came across a very interesting website. We all know about social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, but this one calls itself a social learning network. Course Hero provides a way for students and even their professors to network and help each other out on various subjects. It also provides voluminous study materials and textbook solutions to problems. Yes, that includes
Physics textbook solutions
to help you make sense of your
Physics homework
. If only the internet existed when I was doing college Physics!

I have no regrets, though. I’m really more of a writer, I guess. At least through this post, I hope I get to help some struggling students out there.


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