If you want to use Adsense as a major income stream, remember that it serves contextual ads. It gives your blog ads that match the keywords you are writing about.
If you write on too many topics, Adsense may serve you ads that you did not intend to offer to your readers. If your ads are not of interest to your visitors, they wouldn't be interested to click on them. You lose revenue.
This blog, for example, was primarily intended to share lessons I am learning as I try to make money online. Since I also write Filipino romance novels as Maia Jose, I thought I could incorporate that into this blog, as well.
I realized, however, that there are already so many things I want to write about on problogging, earning money online and working freelance. And there are also so many things I want to write about under my Maia Jose persona - writing romance novels, reading romance novels, being a romantic, being in love, relationships and such.
I further realized that although I may have visitors interested in both aspects of my work, there are many more who may only be interested in one or the other. If I put everything in one blog, I may be losing focus. I may also be sending mixed signals to Adsense, prompting them to send me ads that are not as targetted to my niche as I want them to be.
I decided, therefore, to create another blog: Maia Jose Romance. This way, I can streamline each blog to its target audience while still proving a link between the two.
The Maia Jose Romance blog is still under construction. I hope to get it up and running within a day or two.
Having several blogs covering your various interests is a good way to reach out to as many visitors as possible without "muddying up" one catch-all blog.
I am just about to test what I have written about so we'll see how this goes in the next few months, shall we?
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