To really monetize your site, though, traffic is what you want to generate for it. Lots and lots of traffic! Think EDSA at rush hour! Instead of cars, however, visualize visitors reading through your site and clicking on your relevant ads.
Now how do you attract this kind of traffic to your site?
First, of course, you have to have the right content. You have to be able to offer something they have been looking for. What exactly this is will depend on your niche and the target audience you have decided to serve. Make sure your content matches your market.
Next, get the word out. Promote your site. Let people know about it. There are many ways to do this.
One is to interact with fellow bloggers who write on similar topics. Read their posts and leave well-thought-out comments. Don't forget to leave your url with your signature. The blogger and his or her readers will, hopefully, pay you a visit. If they like what they see, you could expect them to come back again and again. Do this with a lot of other bloggers and you'll be linking up your blog with a community.
A complementary strategy is to join blog networks. They will usually ask you to post on the network site with some regularity. This is a good opportunity to show people what you have to offer. Your posts, of course, link back to your site.
You should also join forums relevant to your topic. Make sure you give a good impression by being sincerely interested and involved in the discussions. This will attract people to take a look at your site.
Do not, however, join forums just to advertise for free. You'll most probably be banned for spamming and you'll be building a bad reputation for yourself and your site. That is NOT what you want.
Another very important thing to remember: If your site uses Google Adsense as a source of income, stay away from quick fixes such as automated traffic generators and traffic exchanges. This will get you banned from Adsense and you will lose a major income stream.
Okay, now I have to go follow my own advice and generate some more traffic into this site.
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