In exchange for doing a review of his site and posting it at your blog, he gives out two links to your blog plus the chance to win a free redesign (for the best review) or a free favicon for the honorable mentions.
The blog author, Ilker Yoldas, is a whiz at graphic design and there are a lot of samples of his excellent work at the site.
Even if you don't win the blog redesign (where he gives your blog a visual makeover with a new template) nor the icon, just getting the two links prominently placed in his post is already worth it. After all, The Thinking Blog claims to have the 5th largest community at MyBlogLog. Think of the traffic this could bring to your blog.
It will also give you a new topic to write a post on. This is handy because there are days when we, bloggers, just get stumped at what to write about.
Well, here goes my review then.
If The Thinking Blog's primary purpose is to showcase the author's graphic designing talent and skills, then it definitely is succeeding.
The sample site makeovers shown - with before and after screenshots - are enough to convince anyone of this. Ilker even redesigned John Chow's blog and I like his version much better. Too bad John Chow hasn't taken up his offer to use his redesign for free.
Aside from promoting the author's graphic designing services, though, the blog also offers many interesting posts.
The video on the polar bear cub is just adorable. My kids demanded that we watch it over and over.
Far from cuteness but very insightful is the post on the evangelist marketing technique using apple's ipod campaign as an example. This is a post that resonates well with the blog's title.
I like the mix of informative and entertaining posts on the site. It makes very interesting reading.
I was initially concerned with the "ToplessWomen" link at the upper part of the sidebar but I clicked on it to investigate first before commenting and I'm glad I did. It actually leads to a very interesting discussion which includes the issue of breastfeeding in public. (My comments would be off-subject to this review so I'm just going to comment at the site.)
All in all, I would be visiting The Thinking Blog regularly with or without the contest. It was a great idea, though, and I'd like to thank him for it.
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