I found a new forum for writers to be able to earn online from the Philippines or anywhere with an internet connection. Make that anywhere else in the world. The site I'm referring to is
Constant Content.
A writer can register at
Constant Content and submit articles, reviews, tutorials or blog entries for sale on the site. There are submission guidelines to be followed concerning the quality, style and format of writing.
Each piece can be sold three ways: through Usage Purchase, Unique Purchase or Full Rights Purchase.
Usage Purchase allows the buyer to use the piece unchanged on only one website or magazine. The piece also it remains on the site for sale to other users.
Unique Purchase means the buyer has sole right to use the piece, but only for sites or magazines that heor she owns. The buyer does not have the right to resell the piece, change it nor claim authorship for it.
Full Rights Purchase makes the piece the property of the buyer. He or she has the right to claim authorship for it, resell it, change it and publish it anywhere.
The writer sets the price for each Usage level for each piece. Once sold, the writer is credited with 65% of that price.
Writers are paid after a 30 day holding period to ensure clearance of payments. That is, provided the writer has a minimum of $50.oo credited to his or her account.
I have registered but still have to start submitting articles. I'll post updates on this venture. Better still, why don't you give
Constant Content a try, too?